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Kerastase Lait Vital Irisome for dry hair

Hi everyone,

today I'm reviewing a new conditioner I got, the Kerastase Lait Vital Irisome conditioner, recommended by a hair dresser for my dry hair.

My hair is in such a dreadful state ever since I had the dye scrubbed out. It keeps thinning, breaking, frizzing, flying, bending, snapping, splitting, OMG! No shampoo or conditioner, no matter how organic, or professional or expensive, no brush no matter how soft, no ironing spray, has helped me one step further. No super sharp fabric scissors have helped my split ends. No, my long thick hair has become flat, grease prone, frizzy, dry, splitting SHIT!

Anyway... I'm not giving up. I'm not cutting my split ends anymore until I have some length back. It doesn't help anyway, my hair keeps splitting no matter what I do or use.

A bit of light at the end of the tunnel are the products that make my hair look good for a day... Like this conditioner. It makes my hair soft, manageable, but that's it though. It needs to sit on my hair for 3 minutes which is annoying! If I wanted a mask I'd buy a mask, sheesh!

But since I've been using this conditioner, I don't know why, but my hair has been showing the symptoms I wrote above. Yes my hair is thinner from the scrub I once had, but since I use this stuff my hair bends in funny ways even days after washing, when it's not to prone to external factors, when I wake up. Even straightening doesn't work anymore then. It also become greasy for quickly.

So I just don't trust this product... I don't know... This one is not worth the price of 25 euros!

So, what conditioner do you use on your damaged hair?



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