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Cenk Uygur come son David Pakman's show and defends himself from smear attacks and calls the Washington state flag as racist

     Cecil Brewster
   Cenk Uygur is running for president and is desperate trying to be the second foreign globalist Muslim extremist president  following Barack Hussein Obama. Mr Uygur appeared n Davis Pakman's lame left-wing podcast of propaganda brought to America by the left-wing funding form both Venezuela and Argentina and Uygur angrily attacked the new York Times and CNN for going after him and calling this Turkish son of a bitch for the repressive socialist authoritarian he is in addition to being a typical Muslim sexiest bastard. Cenk Uygur is seeking the Democratic congressional district 25th occupied seat and he wishes to make this already Democratic left-leaning district even further to the left and actually capture it for the Green Party all while calling himself a progessive and Democrat in name only.
   Cenk Uygur has been making the rounds onto his fellow far-left shills and programs as he is shocked and appalled at the amount if attacks he has rightfully received from the media that in very much resembles the shit he and his pathetic crew at the Young Turks had been delivering to president Trump and the Republicans.
Cenk Uygur is an asshole always has been an asshole and always will be a Turkish asshole. Cenk Uygur also doubled down again on his hatred of certain Pacific Northwest state flags and called George Washington a slave holder not deserving of his imagery on the state flag of Washington. The Ogre called it a racist flag  and the  flag  and the entire state need to be changed and  renamed into something else perhaps even given to China, Canada, or back to Russia. Big fat cochino Cenk Uygur needs to be sent to a Turkish  prison of to Russia with love.

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