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Thursday Movie Picks: Coming Home

Hello and welcome to the last Thursday Movie Picks of 2016. Just in case you are wonder what it is, it's a weekly series hosted by Wandering Through the Shelves where each Thursday you have to pick three films to fit the week's theme.

Before starting with my list, I'd like to thank all of you who has been reading, week after week, my posts, and commented letting me know what your opinions about my picks were. Also, even though I'm not the host, I'd like to thank you all for posting on your blogs. I don't know how many films I didn't even know existed ended up on my watchlist. And those I've seen were actually good. So thank you! That's why I'll keep doing this next year as well.

All of that being said, let's talk about this week's theme, coming home. I'm going the war way. After seeing the others' picks, I'm not even sure this "theme within a theme" fits the theme, but I've made up my mind, and I'm going with these three anyway.

Brothers (2009)

When the helicopter of Marine Captain Sam Cahill is shot down and he's presumed dead, his younger brother tries to take care of the widow and her two children. But Sam eventually comes back, and he's haunted by the demons of war. I don't know what it is about this film but I simply love it. I haven't seen the original Danish film, but this one is emotionally complex and engaging, and the performances from its leads are just beautiful.

The Deer Hunter (1978)

A group of friends who enlists into the Army to fight in Vietnam fall in the hands of the Vietcong and are brought to a prison camp where they are forced to play Russian roulette against each other. They'll manage to escape, and one of them will go back home. This is easily one of the most overrated war movies ever made. It is overlong, it has a pointless, never ending wedding, and it's historically inaccurate. How did they even come up with the Russian roulette idea? It does handle the PTSD pretty well though, and it has some great performances.

First Blood (1982)

After coming back home from the war, Vietnam veteran John Rambo is pursued into the mountains surrounding a small town by the sheriff and his deputies, and in order to survive he's forced to use his combat skills. I was expecting the typical action flick starring Stallone, but I was wrong. This film is a quite serious and dramatic portrayal of how veterans are treated and how the American society treats the defeated. But most important it's the portrayal of a broken man. 

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