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Another classic Chris Trevas image, showing us Luke at the head of his New Republic-era Jedi, based within the Massassi Temples of the Fourth Moon of Yavin, as begun in the fateful events of Kevin J. Anderson's JEDI ACADEMY trilogy, and further cemented in other Expanded Universe books later down the line.

Whether Luke did indeed gather a new assemblage of Jedi outside the unofficial Expanded Universe, within the timeline of official events after EPISODE VI, and before the likely tumoultous 35 years after events of EPISODE VII, is unknown. Will young rising stars Daisy Ridley and John Boyega be the proper start of the next generation of Jedi from 2015?

Attending MARVEL's UK premiere of sci-fi comedy GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY, Mark Hamill was interviewed by the BBC about EPISODE VII, and the contractually-obligated growing of his Alec Guinness-inspired beard: BBC News - Mark Hamill, aka Luke Skywalker, on Star Wars: Episode VII

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