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Looking Back at 2013

Today’s post is all about the random moments of my life posted here over the course of the year I post on Instagram a lot than I shared here , so if you want to take a look at what you missed, Check out here

January:  I started the year with my 2012 favorites post, To be honest 2012 was such a bad memory, and I am glad 2013 turned out to be different and way better.
February: It was such a special month for me, we took a PBBC step further and arranged first ever Pakistani beauty bloggers swap around the world. I went to India with my friends,  I have always wanted to travel to because I am captivated by their culture. And ehm ! Who wouldn't like to shop there? Going abroad with friends is like a dream come true. We were group of Foodies so we tried to visit best of the best restaurants. I made some amazing makeup purchases from Chandigarh.
March: I was getting out of India trip side effects, and I totally forgot to post what I got in my Pbbc secret swap, but you can check out what I send to Ayeshaand Nayab
Gifts from sister

April: It was  a slow month blogging wise since, my sister and nephew were visiting us from U,K, and I was already planning to go back to India second time.I didnt post about gifts she bought me but posting a photo here.
May: May was a special month, It’s my birthday month, and I was going to India second time. I took the plunge and posted my birthday FOTD (I was scared to get negative criticism)

June: I got back to blogging –Finally and For me highlight of June was ESSIE being launched in Pakistan.
July: Rabiyah and I, planned another beauty blogger Eid swap after the success of first one and to our surprise turnout was double, There is no denying that bright lips were  the rage this summer, and I am guilty of owning so many bright lipsticks.

August: August was a busy month, I posted my first ever eye makeup tutorial , We had an amazing experience with second PBBC swap and I showed you what my swap partner Rabiyah send me . I was lucky enough to get Eid gifts and bought few goodies myself, a haul post it was.
September: I was travelling yet again but this time was going to Lahore. I showed you what was in my makeup and when I came back I posted about what I bought from my trip.
October: A slow month it was blogging wise, I Just reviewed new reformulated Rimmel  Moisture Renew lipsticks .
November: Finally some reviews, I did well this month. I talked about Sleek Makeup Face form, Reviewed a beautiful Maybelline vivid lipstick in Fuchsia flash , Shared a quick homemade brownies recipe .

December: I did a little change; I started posting my full face photos in most of reviews. Highlight of this month is I think my dewy face makeup tutorial. And of course the excitement of new kajal pencil LOrealParis Kajal Magique

To be honest 2012 was such a bad memory, and I am glad 2013 turned out to be different and way better. I am glad I got back to blogging because I wasn’t so active since 2011 and it was great to repurchase my own domain. I got to know some amazing Pakistani bloggers through PBBC. For 2014, I want to travel more, Maybe U.K this time and learn makeup from Illamasqua, I would love to revisit India again. I am in love with Chandigarh. I am planning to blog more, coming up with new ideas for PBBC , keep my blog and Facebook page more interesting , I Plan to buy less makeup and use more of what I already have, Eat healthy and try to lose extra weight I gained in last couple of years.

In Coming Year,Enjoy every single moment,The good, bad, beautiful, ugly,inspiring, the not-so-glamorous moments.And Thank GOD through it all.To accomplish great things,We must not only act,But also dream,Not only plan but also believe,Best wishes for New Year 2014

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