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MAC Cosmetics/Estee Lauder Warehouse Sale: June 4-6, 2010 (Markham Fairgrounds, Ontario)

For those of you in Ontario, Canada, I thought I would post this as a headsup if you are awaiting this sale. MAC Cosmetics/Estee Lauder is once again holding their warehouse sale, this time June 4-6, 2010. These sales happen every 4 months (March, June, September and December). The sales are pretty awesome, I have read that there are sales such as lip products 2 for $10, eyeshadows/pigments $9, face powders $10 and foundations $12. You can buy tickets from sellers on sites like ebay, kijiji and craiglists too, if you want to go that route. Tickets are available to MAC and Estee Lauder brand employees and they pass them out to their friends and family (if they want to).

These warehouse sales are great for those of us in Canada because we don't have CCO's (Cosmetic Company Outlets). I have never been to a sale, even though I am quite into MAC because I think it would be very dangerous for me! I'd rather buy stuff from MAC in small quantities, even for full prices. Plus I don't have anyone to come with me, yes I am a loser. If anyone wants to buy me some items.. I would totally be grateful! wink wink.

Are you going to this? What are you planning on picking up?

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