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Shu Uemura's White Recovery EX+ Cleansing Oil

Hi all ^__^

I get this product during my visit to Shu Uemura's event of Mamechiyo, click --> HERE to find out all about the pink beautiful galore.

Now, Shu Uemura White Recovery EX+ Cleansing Oil is a new item here in Indonesia.

You can simply look at shuuemura.com for more products info and indulge in the beauty of everything from Shu.

10 interesting facts on Shu Uemura's Cleansing Oil click --> HERE.

I've done my previous reviews on Shu's Cleansing Oils --> HERE.

So what is White Recovery EX+

Details from shuuemura.com:

intelligence of nature empowered with breakthrough whitening technology for effective reduction of pigmentation
the entire white recovery EX+ range is united with the powerful “melanin diet” action of Prune Extract and phyto-ingredient Sakura Leaf Extract with added latest whitening technologies for amplified whitening and a visibly translucent, glowing complexion.

Prune Extract
limits* melanin transfer from the lower layer of the epidermis to the surface with its unique “Melanin Diet” action.

Sakura Leaf Extract
inhibits* tyrosinase activity to limit melanin production in melanocytes. it also helps improve skin texture.

Depsea waterTM
Depsea waterTM is one of the purest waters on earth and naturally infused with rich minerals.
it helps to fortify skin barrier function and improve skin’s self-moisturizing ability* for healthy looking skin.

*in vitro tests

My review:

It's impossible to do this review without showing you all how real it is, the result and reaction is just real. I do makeup on my arms with all the things thinkable and common used during makeup process. I let them sit a while and all dries, especially the waterproof mascara and stay on products like eye liner and lipstick.

Then I drip some of Shu Uemura's White Recovery EX+ Cleansing Oil directly on the makeup arm. They are dry and need to be cleaned alright. I use around 5 drops. Of course on the face it wont be enough, pump around 3 times.

Let the cleansing oil sits for a while. Like less than a minute. You can spread it gently also before massaging it well. Why? Our skin is actually quite delicate and would actually repels any dirt, sweat, makeup, etc, and the very small particle of the oils will 'lubricate' all of those nasty stuffs and like attract plus loosen all the debris and everything that's not originally from your body/skin.

The cleansing oil will breaks the waterproof mascara so later when you massage them it will easily loose and when emulsify and rinsing it will all come off.

Make sure all the areas get the oils, that's why for facial the instruction says 3-4 pumps. You'll enjoy the faint flower scent. Then add a bit of water to emulsify. It will turns into milky colored fluid and all your dirt, sebum, makeup, etc will easily take off.

So when you rinse it with water, it's like hello naked skin, you look fab now!

Dry by taping gently with towel and even though I'm a big fan of double cleansing, with Shu Uemura's Cleansing Oil double cleansing is NOT needed and necessary. The skin already so clean yet feels supple without striking it dry.

Of course the result of the whitening is not instant for me, it always takes time for whitening/brightening products to work and it need total lifestyle. Nevertheless, I'm enjoying this product for being so kind and friendly to my skin.

Try one yourself and enjoy!

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