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So Stay On My Arm You Little Charmer

This is what I wore to work today.

Okay so I had links to everything I'm wearing but for some reason blogger didn't autosave my post before I published it and then when I viewed the post there was just the title there :( so if you want info on anything just mail me and I'd be happy to give you any info you need! The close up of the lips is to show you more clearly the new Rimmel Heartbreaker lipstick I bought last week. The scarf is the only new thing, I think you've seen everything else already. This oufit is a remix of two pieces I've worn in my last two outfit posts.

I went to see the new Harry Potter film today with some friends. I loved it! The films just seem to get better with each one. I'm really looking forward to the final one now! I also found a faux fur snood in Penneys for just €6! I've been looking for one for a while now and any I liked were too expensive for my budget. I bought a faux fur hat in the same colour as the snood too for only €4. It reminds me of the one Jen from Jen Loves Kev is wearing in this post and also this one;

Image found here

I'm off work for a week now! I'm so looking forward to the time off, I'm planning on spending it wisely including some adventures, Christmas shopping and much needed R 'n' R!

Hope you had a good week! Got any plans for the weekend?

xx Em

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