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unordinary story

Today is special day for gay couples in the UK. As the new law confirmed the same-sex marriage. So todays post is about unordinary love.
Recently I have watched the film named 'Kill Your Darlings' (2013). But in this post I am not going to write a report about the film itself. No. I want to write about the idea which came up after I watched it. Gay love stories in films.
More and more films have been now created about the homosexual people and usually gain praises from many film critics. It all started with the 'Brokeback Mountain' in 2005. It was one of the first of its kind. It talked loudly about the problems gay people faced and which are still relevant today. So not surprisingly it attracted lots of attention as well as. The cast of this film was impressive as well as acting and the story itself was unusual at that time. It was ''something new''. 'Brokeback Mountain' won 3 Oscars from total 8 nominations. Consequently the films about gay love stories floored the film industry. Those like 'Milk' (2008) and 'Single Man' (2009) was interesting but let's not forget that the main actor performing the gay men were one of the best actors of the decade, so that might uplifted these films. And the most recent examples include Patrick from 'The Perks of Being a Wallflower' (2012) and Kurt Hummel in 'Glee'. These guys were just an extra to the picture. It looked like they are in the film just because the director wanted to attract more audience - in this situation - gay people. And finally this year 'Blue is the Warmest Color' (2013) - by far the first most worth watching film about lesbian love - and 'Kill Your Darlings' (2013) were released. Talking about 'Kill Your Darlings' I was quite disappointed. Daniel Radcliffe acting was so bad that I started to think that he will be associated as Harry Potter as his best role for the rest of his acting career. But Dane DeHaan saved the day when  kept showing his potential after a great performance in 'The Place Beyond the Pines' (2012). And the story. Interesting Beat generation and the intriguing David Kammerer murder story could have make this film epic but unfortunately it didn't… Unordinary story ended as ordinary.

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