This morning I took C to the surgery for a flu jab, apparently having heart issues qualifies him for a jab for free. Even though I'm 2 years older than him and had pneumonia this year I didn't qualify- I feel quite left out!
While waiting for him I popped into the library and found this lovely book on the For Sale shelves,The island in question is in Strangford Lough and the photos are gorgeous. I paid £1.50 for it and it's in lovely condition, I can't work out why it had been withdrawn for sale after only 4 years.
Still no frosts here on the Suffolk coast so the tomatoes and peppers are hanging on in the poly-tunnels and the beetroot outside are still OK in the ground. I've been waiting for more seed catalogues to arrive so I can sort the seed order but still only Marshalls, The Organic Garden Catalogue and Suttons. What's happened to Browns and Kings this year? Maybe I'll write my list of what we need tomorrow as the forecast is awful so I don't think we will be going far plus there is tennis on TV in the afternoon.
Today has been fine and a load of washing was dry by lunchtime. We did another bit of wood cutting, adding some more small stuff to the wood heap and filled up the chicken feeders. This afternoon C took the pressure washer to the empty chicken shed( mower trailer in use again), fixed up the hosepipe and electric and got into his waterproof overalls to give it a clean out.Another job done.
These are almost the last of our eating apples, picked off the small trees before tomorrows weather knocks them down. There are a few of the very late variety still on the bigger tree in the garden, they are well sheltered so should be OK. Last year we picked them off in November, wrapped them and they stored until mid January. This year there are so few I think we will have eaten them all by mid December.
And finally a view from right at the top of our field, the furthest end from the house, there is a gap through the hedge and the countryside stretches away with the pylons marching into the distance all the way to the outskirts of Ipswich.
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