Here's a one-off in terms of scale and subject matter. This is one of the older battleships in the Russian Black Sea fleet, the Dvienadtsat Apostolov. This 8700 ton 2nd Class battleship was launched in 1890, this photo shows her in with the 12" main battery in the original barbette configuration.
Image courtesy of Big Bad Battleships |
I have modeled the ship in somewhat later trim ca. 1900 with the barbettes covered with armored shields. Sorry, no work in progress pictures but it's in my usual composite construction method. I used the 1/800 plan from "Warships of the Imperial Russian Navy: Volume I - Battleships", an old book published in 1968, written by V.M. Tomitch. This 102 page paperback is well worth a purchase if you can find it anywhere. The plans are excellent, with a top down and profile view of each ship - all you need really.
I cut the tops of toy figure game tokens to make the turret domes. Other than that, it was a relatively straightforward build process.
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