It wasn't meant to be a long day out. We had made an appointment to have another look "our" bungalow in the morning then we were going to pop into the town centre and come home but on Monday Col got a phone call to go in and see the consultant with an appointment at 1.30. So that fitted in nicely except for some reason there was no consultant and eventually we got seen by someone else and didn't get out again until quarter to five. There was news about treatment for the cancer, which is not the type we first were told but an uncommon sort of lymphoma, treat-able but not curable and thank goodness he will start treatment next week- as long as there is a bed as he will need to be an in-patient for some of the chemo. It's a long course of two sorts of chemo spread over several months with dire warnings of nasty side effects. But as we said there is no alternative so we just want them to get on with it.
Our bungalow
seems smaller than I remember. Plenty of insulation in the loft - good - and the living room carpet was as awful as we thought but there are aconites and snowdrops out in the garden already so it must be warmer than here.
The "patio" made of broken paving slabs and bits of concrete
will have to go as will the 'rockery' which is also mainly lumps of concrete - a skip needed I think
Room for veg beds if we get rid of the lawn
And there is a lovely big Rosemary.
We'll be moving right in the middle of Cols treatment - Ho Hum!
While in town I bought shoes. Buying shoes is quite a nerve wracking and unusual event for me. I Hate buying shoes, wear one pair for as long as possible and am about as far from Imelda Marcos as it's possible to get! But I went to Hotter and found some in the sale - nice and comfy - just what I was looking for. Bought a frying pan too ( not from Hotter-obviously).....heavyweight because the last one I got cheap went up in the middle after being used twice and I prefer to have a flat bottomed pan!
So a long day out, the cats were wondering where on earth we were - Starving they said.
I know there are new followers and comments yesterday, but no time to look today. Will say hello tomorrow.
Back Tomorrow
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